The Daily Brief – 25th November 2018

First-ever silent plane

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  1. Andhra Pradesh Government has launched Bhuseva and Bhudaar web portal through which people can view land records online using Aadhaar card. Bhudaar security policy was also launched to provide security to the land records of farmers. Bhudaar card can be generated by the land owner or property owner from Bhuseva web portal. Unique ID for permanent Bhudaar will start with 28 and if it is government land, 28 is followed by 00.
  2. Union Ministry of Tourism in association with Department of Tourism, Government of Tripura and North Eastern States organised the 7th edition of the ‘International Tourism Mart’ with the theme “Adventure Tourism” was held in Agartala, the capital city of Tripura. International Tourism Mart is annual event organized in north-eastern region with the objective of highlighting tourism potential of region in domestic and international market.
  3. India Meteorological Department (IMD) has developed new technology called ‘Impact Based Forecasting Approach’ to assess rise of water level in rivers and reservoirs by rain.  It shows pre-event scenario will help state governments authorities to minutely monitor impact of rainfall and take real-time decisions. Formed in 1875, IMD is national meteorological service of the country under Ministry of Earth Sciences.

    First-ever silent plane
  4. Scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have built and flown first-ever silent airplane with no moving propellers or jet turbines. This lightweight plane weighing about five pounds with five-meter wingspan was flown at distance of 60 meters. It doesn’t depend on fossil fuels to fly instead it is powered by ionic wind or electrodynamic thrust, a silent but mighty flow of ions that is produced aboard plane.
  5. The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was observed on November 25, 2018 with the theme Orange the World: #HearMeToo and like previous editions, the date marks the launch of 16 days of activism that will conclude on 10 December 2018, International Human Rights Day. The 25thof every month has been designated as Orange Day by the UN Women campaign Say No, UNiTE, which was launched in 2009. On February 7, 2000, the UNGA adopted a resolution to mark this day.
  6. The Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik on November 21, 2019 dissolved the State Assembly with immediate effect after People’s Democratic Party (PDP) leader and former chief minister Mehbooba Mufti released a letter on Twitter announcing that she would seek to form the government with the National Conference (NC) and Congress. The Governor cited four main reasons for dissolving the Assembly and these include horse-trading and possible exchange of money and the impossibility of forming a stable government by parties with opposing political ideologies.
  7. India and Australia on November 22, 2018 signed five agreements to boost investments and enhance cooperation in areas including services to the disabled, bilateral investment, scientific collaboration and agricultural research and education during the talks held between Indian President Ram Nath Kovind and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Sidney, Australia. The Indian President has become the first-ever Indian head of state to visit Australia.
  8. The Ministry of Women and Child Development has empanelled institutions and organisations to conduct awareness exercises on the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, in order to ensure security of women at all workplaces. The empanelled institutes will be required to submit quarterly reports through SHe-Box, an online complaints portal, of all the training programmes and workshops conducted by them under the SH Act.

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Today’s Quiz

1. Which state launched Bhuseva and Bhudaar web portal?

2. Orange day is observed on  __ of every month.

3. When was India Meteorological Department (IMD) formed?

4. On which day The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is observed every year?

5. In which year the UN Women campaign Say No, UNiTE was launched?

6. Who is the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir?

7. Who is the first ever Indian head to visit Australia?