General Knowledge Compendium – October 2011


Haha. No April did not come early. This is not April Fool (I am so desperately hungry that I spelled fool as “food” sub-consciously)

This is the real stuff. And CG’s finally, finally back. I say “CG’s back” because, really, without the GK section, CG’s just not awesome enough.

We apologize. But really, this is the best time to start preparing for CLAT. No, not because it is now that we’ve started pputting’em up. Seriously. *sincere expression*

This compendium was compiled by Aadhya, a CG student, who thought sending in a compendium would be a nice way to prick our corporate consciences.

Download the compendium here.

And forgive us for being so useless for the last 4 months. Trying to bridge the gap now, will try our best.

See you at Justice City.
Aymen Mohammed.
(Not to be confused with Ayman al Zawahiri – but who is he? GK question. Find out.)