CLAT 2011 OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION OUT: So what’s the deal?


The WBNUJS has launched its CLAT 2011 website(Aymen tells me it looks great and is a welcome departure from the dull grey) and this year the CLAT brochure along with the application form is available at a stunning low of Rs. 150 if you collect it in person or Rs. 200 if you requisition it from the CLAT 2011 office. However you still need to pay Rs. 2500 that you have to send along with your form.

CG had always advocated cheaper forms such that the reachability of CLAT was more and we had high hopes given NUJS’s social sensitivity measures.

The forms shall be available from designated post offices and all NLUs.

So what’s new: If you fall under multiple reserved categories you get to choose under which category you want to take admission. (What we interpret from this: E.g. If you are Madhya Pradesh domicile as well as belong to a Scheduled Caste then you get to choose if you want admission through the MP domicile or SC merit list in the overall rankings.) We applaud this system as you get a choice and are not automatically hauled over to some other list when you could have a better option at hand, if allowed to choose your own.

Rest all procedure remain the same with a candidate having to submit Rs. 25,000 to CLAT 2011 office after results are out to confirm acceptance of offer. This is later adjustable with your NLU’s fee.

How to decide a tie?

  • Higher Score in Legal Aptitude
  • Elder candidate
  • Draw of Lots

Pattern, as officially announced : 200 questions, 200 marks, 2 hours.

  • English including comprehension : 40 marks
  • General Knowledge/Current Affairs: 50 marks
  • Mathematics : 20 marks
  • Logical Reasoning: 45 marks
  • Legal Aptitude/Legal Awareness 45 marks

We, at CG, are expecting only current affairs and are confident about it.

CLAT 2011 Calendar as released in official website

  • Publication of advertisement in leading English/Hindi national daily Newspapers 1st week of January, 2011 Last week of February, 2011
  • Issue of application forms from all CLAT -2011 participating universities and specified branches of Indian Post Offices from – 11 January, 2011 (Tuesday)
  • Last Date for submission of filled-in entrance examination application forms – 2 April 2011 (Saturday)
  • Issue of Hall Tickets to the candidates from – 12 April, 2011 (Tuesday)
  • Date of Admissions test for UG/PG – 15 May 2011(Sunday) (3.00 P.M. – 5.00 P.M) (D-DAY)
  • Publication of result – 28 May 2011 (Saturday)
  • Last date of acceptance and confirmation of interest in admission by depositing money in bank – To be notified later
  • Completion of admission process – 28 June, 2011 (Tuesday)
  • Commencement of classes – 1 July, 2011 (Friday)

The above dates are tentative and the Convenor, CLAT reserves the right to change the dates as per contingencies and requirements.

All the best! CG is here with you till the end! Soon we shall be releasing more detailed information on how to go about filling your forms and preferences.

We have been informed that some preparation websites have been misleading people about preferences and CG shall come out with an unbiased and true guide about preferences. Stay put. CG is taking on board a student from the 2015 batch of each Law School and is going to prepare a very unbiased report on the preferences so that you don’t suffer.


This is a report based on the official release in


CG Team.


  1. * English including Comprehension

    The English section will test the candidate’s proficiency in English based comprehension passages and grammar. In the comprehension section, candidates will be questioned on their understanding of the passage and its central theme, meanings of words used therein etc. The grammar section requires correction of incorrect grammatical sentences, filling in of blanks in sentences with appropriate words, etc.
    * General Knowledge/Current Affairs

    This section will only test students on their knowledge of current affairs (broadly defined as matters featuring in the mainstream media between May 2010 and May 2011)
    * 3. Mathematics

    This section will test candidates only on “elementary” mathematics i.e. maths that is taught till the class 10.
    * 4. Logical Reasoning

    The purpose of the logical reasoning section is to test the student’s ability to identify patterns, logical links and rectify illogical arguments. It will include a wide variety of logical reasoning questions such as syllogisms, logical sequences, analogies, etc. However, visual reasoning will not be tested, as this tends to disadvantage those that are visually impaired.
    * Legal Aptitude/Legal Awareness

    Legal Aptitude/Legal Awareness This section will test students only on “legal aptitude”. Questions will be framed with the help of legal propositions (described in the paper), and a set of facts to which the said proposition has to be applied. Some propositions may not be “true” in the real sense (e.g. the legal proposition might be that any person who speaks in a movie hall and disturbs others that are watching the movie will be banned from entering any movie theatre across India for one year). Candidates will have to assume the “truth” of these propositions and answer the question accordingly.

    Candidates will not be tested on any prior knowledge of law or legal concepts. If a technical/legal term is used in the question, that term will be explained in the question itself. For example, if the word patent is used, the meaning of patent (“a legal monopoly granted by the government for certain kinds of inventions”) will also be explained.

  2. why is it “elementary” maths and not elementary maths ?

    Are they trying to suggest something ? Something like they’l be trying to screw us big time ? :s

  3. So the LST Legal Modules are ‘officially’ useless? xD
    They don’t expect us to know ANY law at all, is what they say, because.
    Hasn’t all this s**t(I just censored a word ! O_o) been said for the past CLATs too? :/

  4. Soon we shall be releasing more detailed information on how to go about filling your forms and preferences.

    I’ve got the forms, when are you gonna update this part?