How to Use the GK Supplements?



Each of the links/files that we put up in the Supplements of the GK section are done with an intention. Unlike the supplements that you might receive from your Coaching centre, we don’t (honestly, can’t) do a copy and paste job – meaning, we can’t cull out the “important information”.

It is your job to figure out what is “important” and what isn’t. However, this is hardly a difficult job. Give each of the articles a reading, and give it a second reading a week later. The information in there will stay in your head for a long, long time.

Assume that we have put up an article on the history of India’s caste system – it mentions B. R. Ambedkar, about whom you’ll know – but you might not know about Jyotiba Phule, who is also mentioned. So, Google and find out more about the latter and get a rough idea of the important events relating to him. Similarly, when you are reading about Iraq’s war of 2003 it is paramount that you also read about the Gulf war of the early 90’s.

Remember, you need to solve the past years’ papers of NUJS, NALSAR and NLSIU to get a gist of what is “important” and what isn’t. All this is in the head, sub-consciously, you pick out the required information and leave out the rest.

I also used a lot of articles that I’d read as Reading Comprehension and Verbal Reasoning exercises.

However, if you ever find some supplement to be too worthless/long to be worth your time, remember – Law School has readings longer and boring-er than those -ALL THE TIME. Not very motivating, I know.



  1. i tried 2 download the GK compediums, but cud not get it, no time left nd d date is nearing nd im not at all prepared for it.

    PS- need help nd fast

  2. a suggestion to you’ll b gud if u cud remove the links of d stuff not relevant watsover (old compendiums,etc..) to d cmng xam …lot of tym is consumed searchng fr d ryt thng..