The Daily Brief – 10th July, 2016

  • Prime Minister Modi, in South Africa, travelled from Pentrich to Pietermaritzburg railway station, where a young Gandhi was ejected from a train in 1893 for refusing to obey an order to move from a first-class compartment to a third-class one because of his race.
  • Eleven protesters were killed and over 120 persons, including 96 security personnel, were injured, as violent street protests erupted across the Kashmir valley. The unrest follows the killing of militant commander Burhan Wani in a joint operation by security forces.
  • Captain Radhika Menon became the first woman in the world to receive the Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea for the year 2016 from the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). She will be bestowed with this award for saving the lives of seven fishermen, whose hopes of survival were all over. The award will be presented to her at a ceremony set to take place at IMO Headquarters in London on 21 November 2016.
  • The Union Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) has constituted a cyber-cell to check the online abuse and harassment of women and children on social media platforms. Announcement in this regard was made by Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Gandhi in New Delhi.
  • The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has signed an agreement with IIT-Bombay and Madras to establish a bi-nodal ‘Centre of Propulsion Technology’ (CoPT) at the two institutions. The initiative is aimed at achieving synergy between DRDO and Indian Institutes of Technology for channelising the research efforts towards developing products and related critical aerospace technologies.
  • Facebook has announced that it has now begun offering end-to-end encryption to some of the users on its Messenger
  • Anthony McGill of Scotlandoutplayed England’s Kyren Wilson in the final of the third Indian Open world ranking snooker tournament at Hyderabad.
  • The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has agreed to maintain troop numbers in Afghanistan and reiterated a funding pledge for local security forces through 2020. About 13,000 NATO troops, of which nearly 10,000 are American, are currently stationed in Afghanistan under Operation Resolute Support, to train and assist Afghan security forces.
  • China has completed Asia’s longest tunnel at 16 km with double tracks for high-speed trains cutting through the Qinling mountains.
  • Pakistani philanthropist, social activist, humanitarian and ascetic Abdul Sattar Edhi passed away after a long battle with kidney disease. He was 88. He was famously known as Pakistan’s ‘Father Teresa’, Angel of Mercy and was Pakistan’s most respected figure for his humanitarian work.
  • The Bornean Orangutan, a primate species has been declared critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). The declaration was based on the assessment for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species carried out earlier.

Today’s Quiz

  1. On his recent visit to South Africa, Prime Minister Modi travelled to the railway station where Gandhi was ejected from a train for occupying a first class seat. Name the station.

2. Who became the first woman to receive the Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea, from the International Maritime Organisation this year?

3. The Ministry of Women and Child Development recently constituted a cyber cell to check online harrassment. Who is the Union Minster for Women and Child Development?  

4. Which of the following defence wings has recently entered into an agreement with IIT Bombay and Madras to establish a research centre on aerospace technologies?

5. Who won the Indian Open World Ranking Snooker Tournament this year?

6. The NATO has recently agreed to maintain troop numbers in which of the following countries?

7. Which of the following countries has recently built Asia's longest tunnel?

8. What is the length of the recently built tunnel that is Asia's longest?

9. Name the popular Pakistani humanitarian worker known as Pakistan's Father Teresa, who passed away recently.

10. Which of the following primate species has recently been declared endangered by the IUCN?