General Knowledge Compendium – July 2014



Click here to download the general knowledge compendium for July 2014. You will find that it is sufficiently detailed and extremely comprehensive.

We know that the dormancy is unforgivable, but a lot of technical issues with our new platforms have been bothering us; that, coupled with this being an extremely hectic fifth (and final!) year for us has resulted in some solid roadblocks. Needless to say, we are back, and will be making up for lost time in the next few weeks.

Parika Kamra, Apoorv Singh Chauhan and Zainab Khan (Nalsar Batch of 2019) have made this compendium possible. Do thank them in the comments.

All the best!



    • It’s December, which is why you’ll need to refresh yourself on what happened during July  (if you have some idea on what happened, that is). And I suggest you start (if you’ve not already) on your own preparation and note-making rather than relying on CG for everything. Once you’re well into law school, you’ll get an idea of what they’re going through right now. 

  1. Hats off to ur work…..thanq so much. I couldnt find compendiums of april n june 2014…could u plz help me with that!??